About Us

Rugby Shirts were our style way before they were trendy or "in"!

We like Rugby shirts! The colors, the comfort and the practicality. Lucky for us, we had the opportunity to turn our hobby collecting eye catching, stylish rugby shirts into a business. Now we provide the same unique clothes that we originally designed for ourselves to our customers.

We believe in ethical sourcing of materials and environmentally responsible manufacturing. Knowing where our products come from and how they were made helps us sleep better at night. We only have 1 planet and it is all of our responsibility to protect and preserve it.

Our goal is to make the colorful, comfortable clothes we wear everyday available to our customers, in the hope that you will enjoy them as much as we do. We are at our happiest when we bring color and joy into the world!

 If we can make you smile, we consider ourselves successful!

The Le Cheval Team